1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 30, 2009 8:30 AM by nbelaevski

    rich:listShuttle - I want to hide the copyAll button


      Is there some easy way of hiding the copyAll button in the rich:listShuttle component? I still want to show all the other buttons.

      The first thing I thought was that this aught to be fairly easy to do by just setting the css to "display: none;" for the css class of the div that surrounds that button (rich-shuttle-control-copyall), but since the style parameter of that div gets set to "display: block" when the component loads (and that overrides the css file used by the page) that's not possible.

      The best thing would of course be if the rich:listShuttle component had display/hide params for each button, so that I could do e.g. hideCopyAll="true", so that would be nice to see in some later version of richfaces.

      I would really appreciate if someone has a workaround for this issue.