1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2010 3:53 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    a4j:poll "stops" after a while


      I have an a4j:poll defined without a timeout but in certain cases it seems that it stops working correctly.


      It seems that the polling doesn't work anymore after 25-30 seconds but i don't have a timeout and the "enabled" tag isn't defined to false.


      The problem is on Internet Explorer 7 (i have to support only this browser)  and i'm using richfaces 3.1.6. The problem is only in certain cases that i don't know. Have you got a similar experience ? When does the a4j:poll stop working ?


      What i know is that after a while, the polling doesn't reach the server ..




      Here the code:

      <a4j:poll id="poolControlloStampa" interval="1000"






      reRender="panelStampa,formsDiStampa,actions" />








      Thanks for any help.