1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 11, 2010 6:16 AM by hoang_to

    Access to the GateIn permission system in a portlet.




      Can I access to the GateIn permission system in my portlets?


      I explain, I have a system with doctors and nurses, and I have a portlet who enable to view a patient and edit him, BUT only doctors can edit a patient, a nurse can only view informations.


      Is it possible?



        • 1. Re: Access to the GateIn permission system in a portlet.

            The authorization in GateIn is based on group/membership. In your case, you could define a 'Hospital' group and set respectively 'doctor_membership', 'nurse_membership' memberships on doctors, nurse. The UserACL provides method hasPermission(String permissionExpression) that allows you to check access/edit permission for  'Hospital' 's member