0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2010 4:06 PM by robert.m.goodwin

    EJB calling Co-hosted Web Service in Service start hanging


      I have a web service that an EJB  that I have makes calls on when it is  started.  This EJB is installed  in the same JBoss instance as the  web service.  If I start JBoss, let  it come up completely, then deploy  my EJB into the same instance, all  is well.  However, if I leave it  deployed and restart JBoss, when the  EJB gets to the point where it  makes a call on the web service, the  Application Server start-up process  hangs.  Now the WebService was  deployed prior to the EJB according to  the logs.  It acts like the web  server that is serving the WS calls is  not yet up either.  I can try to  access the WSDL via a web browser and  that fails until the JBoss  instance is fully started.  i can see if I  have my dependencies wrong  and it would error out on deployment, but I  get no error, it just hangs  indefinitely.  Any ideas where to go from  here.  Any more information  you need?  Can a ejb call a web service in the same JBoss instance  during the start method of the service while JBoss is starting?


