1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 22, 2010 7:56 PM by krisverlaenen

    jbpm5 demo installer not rendering form


      I'm using jbpm5 demo installer and trying to run the demo project,but problem here is when I start the  process using "Process Overview "in jbpm-console, screen comes up but it doesn't show the form.I'm getting following form rendering error.


      Error is-> The requested URL /gwt-console-server/rs/form/process/com.sample.evaluation/render    was not found on this server


      I'm using jbpm-console  UI to start the process .

      So it seems like gwt-consle-server is called using resteasy web service which doesn't render the page.

      So my question is below-

      1.  If I use jbpm5 from my web-app without using jbpm-console,will it  work properly(task creaion and viewing/submitting task) or some issue is  there in that call ?

      I got same error while using jbpm4.4,i was using hello world sample web-app,and I was able to start process and create task but when i click specific person task,form was not getting rendered.

      So please tell am I missing any configuration change,I've changed jboss port to 9090 instead of 8080(default one)


      2. How to resolve aforesaid mentioned rendering problem in jbpm-console.






        • 1. Re: jbpm5 demo installer not rendering form

          There is now a new configuration file called jbpm.console.properties inside the jbpm-gwt-core.jar where you can specify for example the port of the application server.  That should solve the problem of the task forms not showing up.


          You're in no way obliged to use the jbpm-console.  If you have your own web application or other UI, you can just use the various APIs to interact with the process engine and human task service directly.