1 Reply Latest reply on May 5, 2009 8:19 PM by nbelaevski

    rich:panel css properties


      I want to use three rich:panel on one site and I want every panel to have other look. for instance one panel should have green color , other red. When I change in css default properties with


      it is applied for all panels.

      When I use bodyClass property I can change background of panel but when I define border color it has no influence to border. Border wokrs only when I set backgroud-color but I don't want changing background only borders. Borders always have background color.

      My question is : How can I use several panels on one site each in difrent border color ?

        • 1. Re: rich:panel css properties

          1. Add different CSS classes to each panel:
          <rich:panel styleClass="panelA">...</rich:panel>
          <rich:panel styleClass="panelB">...</rich:panel>

          2. Write CSS selectors for each panel:

          .panelA .rich-panel-body {
          .panelB .rich-panel-body {