1 Reply Latest reply on May 6, 2009 4:15 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Problem with rich:toolTip

      hi everyone

      i am facing two problem with rich:toolTip

      the first one is,

      in my page i am using the toolTip for outputText component.
      the client side toolTip was not working properly after my outputText component reRender by some other component. how to resolve this issue.

      this is my sample code.

      <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{user.name}">
       <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="outtext" />
      <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{user.name}" >
       tool-tip content

      the second one is

      i am using the model panel for showing the status message when the ajax request was processing.

      so if i use the toolTip with ajax mode in my page , there clash between the model panel and toolTip. so the toolTip was not working.

      this is my sample code

       <a4j:status onstart="Richfaces.showModalPanel('ajaxLoadingModalBox',{width:450, top:200})"
      <h:panelGrid columns="2">
       <h:inputText id="myinput" value="#{user.name}">
       <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="outtext" />
       <h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{user.name}" >
       <rich:toolTip mode="ajax">
       tool-tip content
      <rich:modalPanel id="ajaxLoadingModalBox" minHeight="200" minWidth="450"
       height="100" width="250" zindex="2000">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="Request being processed"></h:outputText>
       <h:outputText value="Your request is being processed, please wait."></h:outputText>

      how to resolve this one.


        • 1. Re: Problem with rich:toolTip

          1) which version you using. Should works fine within latest 3.3.1 CR.

          2) And it works just as designed. You defined status as modal panel and placed this status to the same region with ajax tooltip. Read more about different status definitions and avoid such usage.