1. Re: Persistence unit doesn't start but no exception
thomasgo Nov 25, 2010 5:25 AM (in response to thomasgo)I got it to work, but there's still a question:
We're using a single persistence.xml for all included jars, i.e. the entity-jars are declared using <jar-file>.
However, If i correctly understand the specification, it doesn't matter whether there are entities in the jar that contains the persistence.xml.
That did cause the problem, though.
When I moved the persistence.xml to a separate jar and added the jar that contained it previously via <jar-file> it is working.
Any thoughts on this?
2. Re: Persistence unit doesn't start but no exception
wdfink Nov 25, 2010 5:50 AM (in response to thomasgo)Hi,
I'm not sure whether exactly your problem match ..
but I have also problems with the persistence.xml, detecting entities and locating the entity.jar within the <jar-file> element.
After some skills and helpful hints it was clear that some of this strange effects are fixed with JB 5.1.
I think this is better version to use for EJB3 (also some jboss annotation packages are changed ;-( )
3. Re: Persistence unit doesn't start but no exception
thomasgo Nov 25, 2010 6:39 AM (in response to wdfink)Thanks for the hint.
I already successfully ported the project to JB 5.1 some time ago, however it's not that easy to switch over since our infrastructure mostly constists of JB 4.2.3 instances.
Anyway, if JB 5.1 really solves that problem that's one more reason to press on to the switch.