0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 25, 2010 7:33 AM by ajanz

    syntax and usage of JQuery




      i try to implement an image galley with an hover over image effect. on demo page fisheye effect works fine, also in my app


      on the net i found following code sample


      $("ul.thumb li").hover(function() {
      $(this).css({'z-index' : '10'}); /*Add a higher z-index value so this image stays on top*/
      $(this).find('img').addClass("hover").stop() /* Add class of "hover", then stop animation queue buildup*/
      marginTop: '-110px', /* The next 4 lines will vertically align this image */
      marginLeft: '-110px',
      top: '50%',
      left: '50%',
      width: '174px', /* Set new width */
      height: '174px', /* Set new height */
      padding: '20px'
      }, 200); /* this value of "200" is the speed of how fast/slow this hover animates */


      } , function() {
      $(this).css({'z-index' : '0'}); /* Set z-index back to 0 */
      $(this).find('img').removeClass("hover").stop()  /* Remove the "hover" class , then stop animation queue buildup*/
      marginTop: '0', /* Set alignment back to default */
      marginLeft: '0',
      top: '0',
      left: '0',
      width: '100px', /* Set width back to default */
      height: '100px', /* Set height back to default */
      padding: '5px'
      }, 400);





      i don't know how to translate that in richfaces.


      for example i tried



      <rich:jQuery name="enlargePic" timing="onJScall" query="this.css({'z-index' : '200'}); stop().animate({width:'180px'});" />


      but doesn't work...