1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 26, 2010 3:41 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    RichaFaces drag and drop IE



      I'm having this rare issue so I hope someone can help me with this.

      I have this part of the application where the user have to create  different things through pages, so I'm using conversation scope.

      In FF,Safari,Chrome,Opera everything works fine but in IE when the user  reach a page where he has to use drag and drop the conversation ends.

      The conversation only ends when the user do any drag and drop, I  used no-conversation-view-id to realize that. This means he can click  any other button in the page and the conversation will be alive. BTW is rich faces 3.3.3CR1  dragSupport and dropSupport, seam 2.2.0GA  and IE 8

      I'll put any code that is required for someone to help me

      Thanks a lot!"



      This was the post in the seam forum but they told me to ask in here maybe someone can help me
