0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2010 9:21 AM by marco.lala

    [FIX] Rich:calendar - RF 3.3.1 - Wrong position on IE6

      function manageCoordinateIE6(objCalendar, event){
      if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") != -1){
      if(objCalendar != null){
      if (!e) var e = window.event;
      var clientX =  e.clientX;
      var clientY = e.clientY;
      $(objCalendar.id).style.visibility = 'hidden';
      $(objCalendar.id + 'IFrame').style.visibility = 'hidden';
      function updateCoordinate(obj, clientX, clientY){
      var defX = clientX - Math.abs($(objCalendar.id).offsetLeft) - 120 ;
      var defY =  clientY - Math.abs($(objCalendar.id).offsetTop);
      $(obj.id).style.left = defX;
      $(obj.id).style.top = defY;
      $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.left = defX;
      $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.top = defY;
      $(obj.id).style.visibility = 'visible';
      $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.visibility = 'visible';
      new updateCoordinate(objCalendar, clientX, clientY);
      }, "100");

      A rich:calendar (on internet explorer 6) is opened always on top-left corner. I write this code to manage the coordinate left and top of calendar reposition it near che calendar icon.


      function manageCoordinateIE6(objCalendar, event){


           if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") != -1){


                if(objCalendar != null){


                     if (!e) var e = window.event;

                     var clientX =  e.clientX;

                     var clientY = e.clientY;


                     $(objCalendar.id).style.visibility = 'hidden';

                     $(objCalendar.id + 'IFrame').style.visibility = 'hidden';



                          function updateCoordinate(obj, clientX, clientY){


                               var defX = clientX - Math.abs($(objCalendar.id).offsetLeft);

                               var defY =  clientY - Math.abs($(objCalendar.id).offsetTop);


                               $(obj.id).style.left = defX;

                               $(obj.id).style.top = defY;


                               $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.left = defX;

                               $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.top = defY;


                               $(obj.id).style.visibility = 'visible';

                               $(obj.id + 'IFrame').style.visibility = 'visible';



                          new updateCoordinate(objCalendar, clientX, clientY);


                     }, "100");









      To execute the code it's necessary add this attribute to all calendar. The code will be execute only for IE6.

      onexpand="manageCoordinateIE6(this, event)"



      I hope that this fix is usefull.