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1. Re: process undeployment mechanism
objectiser Dec 1, 2010 3:46 AM (in response to jeff.yuchang)So just for clarification - if a previous process definition exists, even if in 'retired' state, but with no active process instances remaining, the endpoint will still be published again?
If this is correct, then I don't see this as being a problem. The BPEL process is still effectively available all the time it is deployed to the server, regardless of whether the BPEL process definition is in a retired state and therefore unable to accept new process instances. This is a BPEL process engine consideration, not one for the web service endpoint, so having the web service available all the time seems sensible.
2. Re: process undeployment mechanism
jeff.yuchang Dec 1, 2010 4:06 AM (in response to objectiser)Yes, the endpoint will be published again.
Yes, so if users want to remove the endpoints, need to undeploy the process.