1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2010 5:38 AM by nbelaevski

    rich:colorpicker does not open up the color palette in Safari 3.0.4




      I have a color picker component on a modal panel


      Please find the component details as mentioned below.


      <a4j:form id="colorPickerForm">   
          <h:panelGrid columns="1" styleClass="fullWidth" cellspacing="0" cellpading="0">   
              <rich:panel id="colorPickerPanel" style="height:192px;width:350px:border:0px;">
                   <rich:colorPicker id="colorPickerComp" colorMode="hex" value="#{mgdBean.value}"/>
              <rich:spacer height="5px;"/>
              <a4j:commandButton id="closeColorPickerMdl" value="Close" styleClass="rsButton" oncomplete="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('colorPickerMdlPnl');" limitToList="true" reRender="tabNamesPanel"/>


      The above form is rendered on a modal window.




      1) Even though the component is getting rendered in Safari 3.0.4, the color picker icon doesn't show the present selected color.

      2) Onclick of the icon the color selection pallette is does not appear also.It prebents the user from choosing colors.


      This issue happens only with Firefox 3.0.4 (523.12.9)



      Works fine in IE 7, Firefox 3.6.12


      Am using Richfces 3.3.1


      Can any one let me know the root cause ?