1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2010 6:53 AM by ataylor



      Since the ConnectionFactory methods on management are being changed (passing a connector name instead of the class names), I was having some issues with hornetq-int on jboss-5 (EAP), as the MOs are making references to the current signature.


      I would know what to do to rename the calls of course, but I'm a bit confused on what glues on JON besides this. So, @Andy can you take a look on this please? I have added this following comment on a few places where I commented out the compilation errors:



      // TODO for AndyTaylor: verify this



      Look for this on the code and you will see what I mean (hornetq-int on EAP)

        • 1. Re: HornetQ-int

          ok, ive checked and can fix these apart from one issue. When creating connection factories through the management api we either pass  in a connector name or a discoverygroup name. The problem is we still use discovery address/port on the connection factoires which doesnt make sense, we should either use the discovery group itself or revert the createfactory method to use an address and port again.