1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 4, 2010 2:55 AM by belaban

    Example of clustering using TCP Unicast on JBoss AS 5.0.1 on Amazon EC2?


      Has anyone been successful at setting TCP Unicast clustering on Amazon EC2?



      I was able to do this in JBoss 4.2.2  but I guess the ports are different on 5.0.1.


      In particular, I'd like to see how to setup clustering without using S3_PING and rather user TCPPING.  From what I've read, S3_PING is experimental.

        • 1. Re: Example of clustering using TCP Unicast on JBoss AS 5.0.1 on Amazon EC2?

          TCPPING needs a list of hosts. This is problematic, as you don't know your IP address before the start. I suggest use elastic IPs and possibly map them to symbolic names (DNS), and then list all of the IP addresses / symbolic names in initial_hosts.


          Another option is to use TCPGOSSIP with an external GossipRouter.


          S3_PING is actually quite stable, and I'd recommend it if you run on EC2.


          I have a presentation on this, google for it (JUDCon 2010 in Berlin) or send me an email (belaban at yahoo dot com) and I can send it to you.