2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2010 7:05 AM by misel

    Best practices on JBoss ESB working with webservices..


      What are the best practices when working with several webservices on JBoss ESB ?


      I am trying to aggregate WebServices on the ESB, e.g. the ESB provides one service to the users, which consumes 2 different webservices and creates one response to the client involving both answers ...


      The other way is, that the ESB splits one Webserice into two Webservices ...


      I Looked at the Proxy, the Consumer, the Producer and the publish_as_webservice example and I am quite not sure what to use best ...

        • 1. Re: Best practices on JBoss ESB working with webservices..

          Nobody who wants to help ?

          • 2. Re: Best practices on JBoss ESB working with webservices..

            Without knowing anything about your specific use case, a few quick pointers:


            SOAPProcessor - exposing WS (on the buss)

            SOAPClient - calling WS (e.g off the bus)

            SOAPProxy - exposing existing (external) WS on the bus, i.e proxying the call


            So, read the Programmers Guide (especially the WS sections), and then check the respective quickstarts.


            It sounds like you should be able to just create a "simple" action chain and then do your WS stuff sequentially (if you don't want to do concurrent calls etc, then you have to do some more thinking on how to aggregate the repsonses to a single client response).


