0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 8, 2010 10:47 AM by ehognestad

    Jboss WebService annotation namespace.


      Hello fellow jbossians


      I am trying to force another namespace than the package name I have in my project.


      I.e my package is com.mycompany.music.webservice and my session bean config is:


      @WebService(serviceName = "MusicWService",
              targetNamespace = "http://ws.music.openapi.wimp.amp.com",
              endpointInterface = "com.amp.partnerapi.ws.MusicWS")
      @WebContext(contextRoot = "/WimpOpen", urlPattern = "/music/MusicWService")
      @XmlType(name = "MusicWService", namespace = "http://ws.music.openapi.wimp.amp.com")
      @HandlerChain(file = "handler-chain.xml")
      public class MusicWSBean implements MusicWS {


      @WebService(serviceName = "MusicWService",

              targetNamespace = "http://ws.music.mycompany.com",

              endpointInterface = "com.mycompany.partnerapi.ws.MusicWS")

      @WebContext(contextRoot = "/WimpOpen", urlPattern = "/music/MusicWService")

      @XmlType(name = "MusicWService", namespace = "http://ws.music.mycompany.com")


      @HandlerChain(file = "handler-chain.xml")

      public class MusicWSBean implements MusicWS {


      I want to force the namespace to be the old package name, to continue supporting the partners that used the old endpoints. I am able to force the targetNamespace, but then I receive no wsdl because the namespace is the same as the new package structure. If I change the package structure, OR remove the targetNamespace parameter from the @WebService annotation it works like before.


      Anyone have any idea on how to force/configure this in jboss?


      We are using Jboss 4.05 with ejb3's.


      Thanks in advance!


      Best regards,

