7 Replies Latest reply on Dec 26, 2010 6:51 PM by gimbal

    JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!


      Forum post for discussing the 3.2 beta release - see details about the release here

        • 1. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

          Been working with beta 2 for a few days now, installed through the regular Eclipse 'check for updates' feature upgrading the beta 1 plugin I already had.


          I have one 'issue' that I did not have with beta 1. In my facelets pages (jsf 1.2) I use a message bundle (loaded through f:loadBundle) that I reference like "#{msg.keyname}". Since beta 2 the validator flags the message bundle properties as non-existing; that did not happen before the update. After changing the references to the map way, as "#{msg['keyname']}", the validator was happy again.


          It does not happen for all my files; I have a set of richfaces modal panels that I include using facelets ui:include, stored in a separate subdirectory. These did not trigger any validation errors. Seems it only happens for files I reference in the jsf navigation rules.


          Other than this minor annoyance I have seen no issues at all so far! Autocompletion features seem more responsive in this release, which is always a nice thing.

          • 2. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

            Looks like a regression. Could you create an issue in  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE? Thanks.

            • 3. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!
              • 4. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

                Erik, if this sutiation is still actual.


                Could you try to do the following:


                Open Window->Preferences Dialog.

                In the dialog open JBoss Tools->Web->Editors->Visual Page Editor->Content Assist Page


                There are 2 checkboxes: "Show Getters and Setters for the properties" and "Show Methods Only with Prentheses". How are they set?

                Try to play with these preferences. Will the error markers disappear?


                The default values are:

                - Show Getters and Setters for the properties - is not checked

                - Show Methods Only with Prentheses - is checked

                • 5. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!



                  I reproduced the issue.


                  In my case I see the error marker on basename attribute of <f:loadBundle /> tag (which tells that message bundle not found) and the warning on each property usage (like #{msg.some_property}.


                  As workaround I can suggest you to create yet another bundle demo/msg.properties (without any location specification). In my case this removes the resource bundle related errors/warnings and makes open-ons to work for bundles and bundle properies (the bundles specified as default locale will be openned, but not this 'fake'-bundle)


                  Sorry for inconvenience,

                  Victor Rubezhny

                  • 6. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

                    I don't have the issue with the resource bundle not being found, its only the properties that are not found. In my case, adding the additional properties file does not solve anything even when I completely clean and revalidate the project.


                    And just for completeness: I tried all combinations of the mentioned checkboxes with no success (they were configured to their defaults). And again after each time I changed the checkbox configuration I triggered a manual validation.

                    • 7. Re: JBoss Tools 3.2 beta is out!

                      I think I may have found another minor issue with validation. It might be another regression because I never saw it when using beta 1. I went ahead and created a jira ticket for it.




                      Oh, and happy holidays