2 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2009 5:27 AM by kash_meu

    Rendered and reRender

      Hi Guys,

      I am facing a problem.

      I am displaying a h:table which shows two rows, and for each row there is a commandButton. When I click the commandButton on a row, that record is deleted using ajax request. This is working fine.

      The h:table is wrapped by a <a4j:outuptPanel rendered="#{empty bean.list}">. When I delete the first record, the table is reduced to one record. But when I delete the second record, the table does not reRender and one record is still there.

      This is the code for the button.

      <a4j:commandButton image="images/icons/delete.png" style="width:15px;height:15px;border:0px" title="Delete" reRender="reportGrading,reportsPanel" action="#{report.deleteReport}">

      reportsPanel is the id of the <a4j:outputPanel>

      Please help me...

      Thanks in advance