0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 15, 2010 10:03 AM by saynyshy

    Drools - Java Rules Engine


      How to continue session, but remove all objects?


      I really need help and advice.

      I'm using StatefulKnowledgeSession();
      in loop I want to check some objects (List<Object>ls);
      I have more than one rule & files ( *.drl).
      (in rules I add some more objects to memory




      How can I remove all objects (ls[i] & listOfLongIds & listOfFloatAges & listOfStringNames )

      used for current element ls[i] checked in rules,

      and continue session with no objects to check the next one ls[i+1]?

      (I don't need to create new session, but i want to use current, but clean - without objects)