We have a problem with Transaction Manager from the JBoss (version eap 5.1.0).
We try to migrate our data from the old system to the new one. Both database schemas (for the old and new system) are on the same database instance. We read the data from the old schema and write to the new one.
For the persistence we use Hibernate JPA. We use SSB with Transaction Attribute REQUIRED for reading the data and REQURES_NEW for writing. The Client starts 6 Threads so that the job get parallelized. From the Client part we use the UserTransaction to access the SSB.
Our migration process takes 72 hours. During the migration process we get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Wrong tx on thread: expected TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 7f000001:8574:4d08a134:912b0 status: ActionStatus.RUNNING >, actual TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 7f000001:8574:4d08a134:9194c status: ActionStatus.ABORTING >
Does anybody know this problem?
Thanks in advance!
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