3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2010 2:03 AM by perlil

    Help with remoteFilesystemStrategy-class




      I'm using JBoss SOA 4.3.0.GA_CP02_SOA, and I have created a FTP Provider, in read only mode. The files are picked up and works fine.


      Now I want to create my own remoteFilesystemStrategy-class, my class implements RemoteFileSystemStrategy and in that class I'm wrapping a ReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy. The only method that I'm overriding is the filterFileList method (and init), in which I'm filtering the files based on their size.


      My problem is that the remoteFilesystemStrategy-class is not picked up, and instead the ReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy is used (default).

      Does anyone have any ideas? Or is there a better way to filter the files on the FTP by their size (I want to be able to set a maximum size of a file as a security measurement)?



      import java.io.File;
      import java.io.IOException;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Properties;

      import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      import org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.remotestrategies.ReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy;
      import org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.remotestrategies.RemoteFileSystemStrategy;
      import org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.gateway.remotestrategies.RemoteFileSystemStrategyException;

      public class SizeBasedReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy implements RemoteFileSystemStrategy{
          private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SizeBasedReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy.class);
          private ReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy strategy;
          private final static long K = 1024;
          private final static long M = K*K;
          private final static long G = K*M;
          private final static long T = K*G;
          //Set default value of maxSize for a file to 5 Mega Byte.
          private static long maxSize = 5*M;
          private static long minSize = 0;
          public void init(String arg0) throws RemoteFileSystemStrategyException {
              strategy = new ReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy();
              log.debug("******************************** INIT ***********************************");
                  log.debug("Loading properies from ftp-filter.properties");
                  Properties properties = new Properties();
                  String maxSizeAsString = properties.getProperty("maxSize");
                  String minSizeAsString = properties.getProperty("minSize");
                  if(maxSizeAsString != null && !maxSizeAsString.isEmpty()){
                      String maxPostfix = maxSizeAsString.substring(maxSizeAsString.length()-1, maxSizeAsString.length());
                      Integer maxValue = new Integer(maxSizeAsString.substring(0, maxSizeAsString.length()-1));
                          maxSize = maxValue * K;
                      else if(maxPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("M")){
                          maxSize = maxValue * M;
                      else if(maxPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("G")){
                          maxSize = maxValue * G;
                      else if(maxPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("T")){
                          maxSize = maxValue * T;
                  if(minSizeAsString != null && !minSizeAsString.isEmpty()){
                      String minPostfix = minSizeAsString.substring(minSizeAsString.length()-1, minSizeAsString.length());
                      Integer minValue = new Integer(minSizeAsString.substring(0, minSizeAsString.length()-1));
                          minSize = minValue * K;
                      else if(minPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("M")){
                          minSize = minValue * M;
                      else if(minPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("G")){
                          minSize = minValue * G;
                      else if(minPostfix.equalsIgnoreCase("T")){
                          minSize = minValue * T;
              catch(IOException ioe){
                  log.warn("Could not load /ftp-filter.properties, using default values.");
          public static long getMaxSize() {
              return maxSize;
          public static long getMinSize() {
              return minSize;
          public static void setMaxSize(long maxSize) {
              SizeBasedReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy.maxSize = maxSize;
          public static void setMinSize(long minSize) {
              SizeBasedReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy.minSize = minSize;
          public File[] filterFileList(File[] arg0) throws RemoteFileSystemStrategyException {
              arg0 = strategy.filterFileList(arg0);
              List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
              log.error("Filtering FTP files, current number of files = " + arg0.length);
              log.error("MaxSize = " + maxSize);
              log.error("MinSize = " + minSize);
              for(File currentFile : arg0){
                  log.error("Checking size of file " + currentFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", szie = " + currentFile.length());
                  if(currentFile.length() >= minSize && currentFile.length() <= maxSize){
                      log.error("Size of file is within limit.");
              return (File[])files.toArray();

          public boolean deleteFile(File arg0) throws RemoteFileSystemStrategyException {
              return strategy.deleteFile(arg0);

          public void destroy() {

          public File getWorkFileName(File arg0, String arg1) {
              return strategy.getWorkFileName(arg0, arg1);

          public boolean renameFile(File arg0, File arg1) throws RemoteFileSystemStrategyException {
              return strategy.renameFile(arg0, arg1);

          public void stop() {



      And my jboss-esb.xml looks like this:



      <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <jbossesb xmlns="http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/etc/schemas/xml/jbossesb-1.0.1.xsd" parameterReloadSecs="5">

                <ftp-provider name="FTPprovider" hostname="ftp.ftpserver.com"  >
                    <ftp-bus busid="ServiceFTPChannel" >
                            input-suffix=".xml" />
                <jms-provider name="JBossMQ" connection-factory="ConnectionFactory" >
                      <jms-bus busid="ServiceEsbChannel" >

              <service category="myCategory"
                  description="Service File Action (esb listener)" >
                  <listeners >
                      <ftp-listener name="FtpGateway"
                          <property name="remoteFilesystemStrategy-class" value="my.code.SizeBasedReadOnlyRemoteFileSystemStrategy"/>
                          <property name="remoteFileSystemStrategy-configFile" value="/ftpfile-cache-config.xml"/>
                      </ftp-listener >
                      <jms-listener name="ServiceFileAction" busidref="ServiceEsbChannel" />
                     <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.SystemPrintln" name="PrintMessage">
                          <property name="message" value="Message"/>