3 Replies Latest reply on May 13, 2009 5:36 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Multiple tab panels and backing bean for each of them



      In my application, I have 3 top level tabs 'Jobs', 'Messages' and 'Audit. The 'Jobs' tab internally contains tabs like 'queue1', 'queue2'. These tabs are dynamically generated using c:forEach.

      The Messages tab has an associated MessagesBean backing bean and the Audit tab has an AuditBean backing bean.

      All the tabs have switchType as 'ajax'. When I switch between 'queue1' and 'queue2', I see in the log the MessagesBean and the AuditBean beans' constructors getting called. I am really puzzled. There is no reference to these beans from the bean associated to 'queue1' and 'queue2'.

      Why will the beans be instantiated when I have not even entered into the tabs associated to the beans?

      Any help here would be much appreciated.


        • 1. Re: Multiple tab panels and backing bean for each of them

          I forgot to mention that all the beans are request scoped.

          • 2. Re: Multiple tab panels and backing bean for each of them


            <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax" selectedTab="#{SOV_ValueChangeListener.jobsTab}" valueChangeListener="#{SOV_ValueChangeListener.jobsTabValueChanged}">
             <c:forEach items="#{SOV_Queues.queueNames}" var="queue">
             <rich:tab label="#{queue}" switchType="ajax" id="queueTab_#{queue}">
             <a4j:support event="ontabenter" ajaxSingle="true" reRender="queue_#{queue}">
             <a4j:actionparam assignTo="#{SOV_SpecificQueueBean.queueName}" value="#{queue}" actionListener="#{SOV_SpecificQueueBean.queryJobs}"/>
             <a4j:outputPanel id="queue_#{queue}">
             <ui:include src="/jsf/sov/queueJobs.xhtml"/>

            In the above code, the tabs are dynamically generated. I changed the scope of the SpecificQueueBean from session to request. I am pre-fetching the intial tab's value from the backend and it gets displayed as part of the queueJobs.xhtml page. When I switch the tab, I also see the action listener fired. But, after the listener has completed its work, I see the Queues object getting constructed again and the SpecificQueueBean constructed again.

            I am not sure why the tab panel gets rendered again. Since I have an a4j:OutputPanel and have ajaxSingle as true in a4j:support attached to the rich:tab, shouldn't the output panel be the only one that should be re-rendered?

            I am confused.

            Please help!


            • 3. Re: Multiple tab panels and backing bean for each of them

              you could use limittolist attribuite in order to completelly limit the rendering of the components which tries to be automatically updated (should works with 3.3.1 codebase)