1 2 3 Previous Next 33 Replies Latest reply on Nov 7, 2011 3:59 PM by ronniespike63

    problem about running jbpm5


      Recently I have downloaded jbpm-install and installed jbpm by “ant  install.demo”.

      After I execute “ant start.demo”, however I can’t access http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console by Google Chrome? Why ?

      And when I use eclipse to store bpmn diagram into Guvnor, I can’t use  the existent guvnor database, why ?

      And in Drools eclipse, I can’t find the icons of swinlanes or  conversation or choreography. They are not supported by  Drools?

      After I have created my BPMN process, how can I deploy it in jbpm5? (I know how to run it according to jbpm5 user guide, I just don't know how to deploy bpmn process into jbpm5)

      Thanks for your response!

        • 1. Re: problem about running jbpm5

          If you can't access the jbpm-console, that probably means it could not start up the server / deploy the application.  Could you take a look at the server log to see if there are any exceptions?  A common issue is that there already is another server running on port 8080, which prevents the JBoss AS from starting up.


          Guvnor integration (so you can load your processes from the guvnor repo) is currently being worked on.  It will be added to the installer this week.  Currently, the installer loads the processes from file system (the resources directory in the sample evaluation projects).  The recommended approach will be to deploy to guvnor once the integration has been added again.


          The Drools Eclipse plugin does not support conversation / choreography.  We are working on a full BPMN2 editor but this will only be available in the future.  Swimlanes are not graphically supported but you can specify a swimlane as a property of human task nodes



          • 2. Re: problem about running jbpm5

            Kris, Thanks for your response.

            Now I can access the webpage http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console by Google Chrome.

            But I can't access http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor? I don't know why

            And when I import the sample project "evaluation" into Eclipse, how can I deploy it on jbpm server? I don't know how to package it.

            • 3. Re: problem about running jbpm5



              Regarding what you said about the installer loading the processes from file system, I have tried to put the .bpmn file into the resources directory and I can then see the process in the console, create a new instance, and so on... But what should I do to see the diagram of the process and get the ability to track it? Do I have to include a .png somewhere?


              Thanks and merry X!!

              • 4. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                When you say you can't access drools-guvnor, are there any errors in your application server logs (jbpm-installer/jboss-4.2.3/server/default/log) that might indicate that deployment of drools-guvnor did not succeed?  Or do you see any errors in the logs that occur when you try to access the drools-guvnor url?



                • 5. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                  If you want to see the diagram, you currently need to add the png to the application classpath (with the name {processId}.png.

                  For example, you can find the com.sample.evaluation.png in jbpm-console-server.war/WEB-INF/lib/jbm-gwt-graph-*.jar

                  So you could add it there or any other location that is part of the application classpath.


                  I'm finishing guvnor integration, that will allow you to put all your files (process definitions, images, task forms etc.) in a guvnor package and simply let the jbpm-console get everything from there.



                  • 6. problem about running jbpm5

                    Thanks for your response, Kris.

                    Now I can access drools-guvnor in jBPM.

                    But I can't access web-based Oryx, eventually I find that "ant install.demo" doesn't install "Oryx Designer" into JBOSS AS.

                    So can you give me an URL of "Oryx Designer"?


                    By the way, I have copied evaluation.bpmn into jbpm-installer\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy, and I have found it is deployed into jbpm-installer\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\tmp\deploy as tmp60197Evaluation.bpmn, but I can't see it in http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/server/resources.

                    When I want to see evaluation process in http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/app.html by clicking on"processes"==> "process overview", it shows the following error:


                    HTTP 500:

                    Etat HTTP 500 -

                    type Rapport d'exception


                    description Le serveur a rencontré une erreur interne () qui l'a empêché de satisfaire la requête.


                    org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initialize stateful knowledge session: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException



                    And when I click on "processes"==>"execution history", it shows the following error:



                    HTTP 500:

                    Etat HTTP 500 -

                    type Rapport d'exception


                    description Le serveur a rencontré une erreur interne () qui l'a empêché de satisfaire la requête.


                    org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initialize stateful knowledge session: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException




                    Can you give me some explanation ?

                    • 7. problem about running jbpm5

                      The integration with Oryx is currently being worked on.  If it doesn't work currently, that is simply because it is still under construction, should be ready in a few weeks.  We're updating to the latest version and integrating it.



                      • 8. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                        Hello Rafitanba

                        You said that you put the .bpmn file into resource directory, and then you can see the process in web-based console.

                        However after I put evaluation.bpmn into jbpm-installer\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy, I can't see the process in web-based console==>process.


                        Besides, I find the resource path in build.xml in jbpm-installer

                        <arg value="-Djbpm.console.directory=${install.home}/sample/evaluation/src/main/resources" />

                        and I put evaluation.bpmn in this directory, I still can't see evaluation process in  web-based console==>process.


                        Do you know why?


                        And when I watch processes in web-based console, I get the http 500 errors. See Response 6 published on Jan 7 2011.

                        • 9. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                          Hi Hui!


                          I think you are trying to put your .bpmn files in a wrong place. If you edit your build.xml file, you'll find the following line within the "Start JBoss AS" target:


                          <arg value="-Djbpm.console.directory=${install.home}/sample/evaluation/src/main/resources" />


                          If you leave it that way, then you'll have to put the .bpmn files into jbpm-installer/sample/evaluation/src/main/resources. However, I think it is better to change the path to a more convenient directory.


                          Apart from that, I must say I'm not able to load all the processes I make. I can only load "simple" processes. If I try to load more "complex" processes I also get HTTP 500 errors...


                          Good luck!



                          • 10. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                            Ups, sorry Hui!


                            I should read the whole article and not so fast... You said you already put the .bpmn file into the resource path, so I guess you are getting the same http 500 errors that I get.



                            • 11. problem about running jbpm5

                              Hello Kris

                              As you said, we should add a png file to the application classpath if we want to see business process diagram in the web-based console, so in fact the web-based console just shows us the static diagram of business process, but it can't show us at which activity the business process is currently executing, am I right ?

                              • 12. problem about running jbpm5

                                Hi Hui!


                                I've managed to get my http 500 errors fixed. I had problems with my classpath and jbpm-console didn't find my java class. Now it seems it works fine




                                • 13. problem about running jbpm5

                                  Hello Rafitanba

                                  Could you please list your steps about the deployment of your business process/*.bpmn and your java code/*.jar (and user forms/*.ftl, BP diagram/*.png)?



                                  • 14. Re: problem about running jbpm5

                                    Hi Hui!


                                    Ok, I'll try to enumerate my steps...


                                    1. I created a jBPM project in Eclipse. The workspace path is ${install.home}/workspace/MyJBPMProject. The main java class is ProcessTest.java and it is included into the com.sample package.
                                    2. Then I created my jbpm files. I have a main process and a number of subprocesses... Their Id follows a myprocess.xxxxxxx pattern. All these files are stored in ${install.home}/workspace/MyJBPMProject/src/main/resources so I edited the build.xml file in order to update the "-Djbpm.console.directory" parameter.
                                    3. Once I had finished the process design, I created the Human Task forms. As you know, ftl files should follow this pattern: {task_name}.ftl. After that, I created the needed map to send data to the form, and I used the ResultMapping to receive data from the form.
                                    4. I also have script tasks. I have written their code in Java by means of a number of methods within the ProcessTest class.
                                    5. Then I captured the diagram of all of my processes using the PNG format. Their names follow this pattern: {Id_process}.png. (i.e. myprocess.whatever.png). I don't know exactly what size the png file should be. Kris, can you give us a hint?
                                    6. Deployment process: I went to ${install.home}/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy and I opened jbpm-gwt-console-server.war.
                                      1. I created the /WEB-INF/classes/com/sample directory and I put ProcessTest.class and ProcessTest.java there.
                                      2. I opened the /WEB-INF/lib/jbpm-gwt-form-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file and I put my *.ftl files there.
                                      3. I opened the /WEB-INF/lib/jbpm-gwt-graph-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file and I put my *.png files there.


                                    And I think that's all. That's what I did and it worked for me!


                                    Good luck!


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