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1. Re: Alternative to Stateful bean with Timer
jaikiran Dec 27, 2010 10:42 PM (in response to piotrekde)In EJB3.1 which is available in JBoss AS6, you have @Singleton beans which can hold state. @Singleton beans can also use the TimerService unlike @Stateful. So give it a try in EJB3.1
2. Re: Alternative to Stateful bean with Timer
piotrekde Dec 28, 2010 5:58 AM (in response to jaikiran)Thanks for answer Jaikiran. Unfortunately I cannot use JBoss AS6 because other parts of application has been designed to work with JBoss 5.0.0.GA and uses some non-standard features. Because of this I cannot take into consideration migration to newer application server.
Secondly I need multiple instances of this beans, because each one holds connection to another router (with all connection-related properties).