7 Replies Latest reply on Feb 4, 2011 10:36 PM by xingqi

    please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

      Sorry, I know this has been asked before, but I can't find the answer after searching numerous forumns etc.
      I'm taking a class on JSF.
      I am trying to use RichFaces with my JSF app.
      I am using Eclipse IDE and Glassfish server.
      I am trying to run the demo 'User' JSF app described in the RichFaces UsersGuide.
      The demo says to add to web.xml that references org.ajax4jsf.Filter class.
      When I start Firefox and go to url, I get error 504.
      Glassfish log says: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.ajax4jsf.Filter

      I have added a bunch of Apache "commons" jar files, ajax4jsf.jar etc.,
      to my project.
      I cannot find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class in any jar file.
      Any advice greatly appreciated.

        • 1. Re: please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class


          Ajax4jsf is now deprecated. Three RichFaces .jars should be used instead. org.ajax4jsf.Filter is located in richfaces-impl.

          • 2. Re: please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class



            So I presume that this code in my web.xml should be taken out:


                <display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>


            I'm using richfaces 3.3.2.SR1.jar, on WebSphere6.1 deploying through RAD8.  My browser is loading the content of my index JSF page rather than interpreting it.  So two problems.  First, what should I put in my web.xml instead of the above if anything?  Second, as WAS6.1 is obviously not using facelets, yet I'm using the jsf-facelets.jar in my app lib, is it right to change the parent class loader for the web module to last to guarantee the jars in my app are used first?  I've got all the jars for the app and it worked on tomcat 6.

            • 3. Re: please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

              Nick not mean change filter definition. Just use RF jar's only and remove ajax4jsf.jar.

              • 4. Re: please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

                OK cheers.

                • 5. please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

                  I have the same issue. My environment has setup as below:


                  JSF2.0  and RF 4.0.0 M5. The class org.ajax4jsf.Filter doesn't exist in






                  Basically I want to use FileUpLoad component. But I cannot find class UploadEvent and UploadItem class.


                  Please advise.

                  • 6. please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

                    Hi Xing,

                    If you really need an answer create a new thread. I just want to repaet that org.ajax4jsf.Filter is not present in RF 4.0. It works without this filter now. Look at richfaces show case application for the examples.



                    • 7. please help me find org.ajax4jsf.Filter class

                      Ilya, thank you so much for your reply. Yes, the RF4 has added FileUpload component in recent months. It works great.

                      Thank you.
