0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 10, 2011 3:07 AM by aki8806

    Selection size in rich:extendeddatatable


      Hi All,



           I'm using rich:extendedDatatable. My requirement is if I'm doing mutli selection, I have to disable a button and if there is only one selection, the button should be enabled.


      <rich:extendedDataTable rowKeyVar="rowIndex" columnClasses="class1" rows="150"

          enableContextMenu="false" headerClass="headerclass1" id="datatable1" selectedClass="rowclass1"

          value="#{MyMB.searchResults}" var="results" height="350px" width="100%"

          selection="#{MyMB.selection}" selectionMode="multi" >



      the challange I'm facing is, I'm not able to get the size of the selection, If I'm selecting two rows and de-selecting a row I'm getting the size of the selection in MB as 3.


      Please help it out.