4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 11, 2011 10:24 AM by jmmorel

    Intercept packets leaving the server?


      Hi everyone!


      I am using HornetQ for a research project and would like to intercept packets that leave the server.

      I have already found the Interceptor interface and successfully ran the example and an experimental interceptor of my own.

      The issue I have is that the interceptor does not seem to intercept messages that leave the server.

      For example: I want a certain client with a certain IP address not to receive packets that have the property "classified" set to true.

      From looking at the org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.impl.wireformat package, I assume that at some point a SessionReceiveMessage packet would be produced and sent to the consumer. However, the interceptor only indicates that a SessionSendMessage passed by.


      My interceptor looks like this:

      public class TestInterceptor implements Interceptor


      /* (non-Javadoc)
      * @see org.hornetq.api.core.Interceptor#intercept(org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.Packet, org.hornetq.spi.core.protocol.RemotingConnection)
      public boolean intercept(Packet packet, RemotingConnection connection) throws HornetQException
      System.out.println("Packet: " + packet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " @ " + connection.getRemoteAddress());

      return true;




      The producer code looks like this:

      try {
      // setup client
      ClientSessionFactory factory = HornetQClient
      .createClientSessionFactory(new TransportConfiguration(


      ClientSession session = factory.createSession();


      ClientProducer producer = session.createProducer("interceptor");




      InputStreamReader inp = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(inp);


      // read from standard in and send user input to the server
      String input;
      while (!("exit").equals((input = br.readLine()))) {
      ClientMessage message = session.createMessage(true);




      } catch (HornetQException e) {
      } catch (IOException e) {

      And the consumer code:

      try {
      ClientSessionFactory factory = HornetQClient
      .createClientSessionFactory(new TransportConfiguration(


      ClientSession session = factory.createSession();


      session.createQueue("interceptor", "interceptor", false);

      ClientConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer("interceptor");



      while (receive) {
      ClientMessage msg = consumer.receive();




      } catch (HornetQException e) {


      The output I get at the server side when starting the consumer, then the producer and finally sending a message (i.e. typing something on standard-in):

      [java] Packet: Ping @ /
      [java] Packet: CreateSessionMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: CreateQueueMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: SessionCreateConsumerMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: SessionConsumerFlowCreditMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: PacketImpl @ /
      [java] Packet: Ping @ /
      [java] Packet: CreateSessionMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: SessionRequestProducerCreditsMessage @ /
      [java] Packet: PacketImpl @ /
      [java] Packet: SessionSendMessage @ /


      With all messages except the first coming from the initalization phase (i.e. starting consumer and producer)


      I tried searching the forums and bug trackers, but I have not found anything describing this problem. So I'm  wondering if I am missing something or if this is indeed a bug?

        • 1. Re: Intercept packets leaving the server?

          Well... I re-checked the documentation today and it says that an interceptor receives all messages entering the server (nothing about exiting).

          So the behavior conforms to the documentation, but I read the documentation multiple times before and I really thought it said "entering and exiting".

          Anyway... I found a way to make this work:

          pass the interceptors from RemotingConnectionImpl to ChannelImpl and check them in the send method.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Intercept packets leaving the server?



            I'm also interested in intercepting leaving messages.

            Tobias, can you explain how you achieve to do this a little bit more ? I did'nt understand your last sentence.


            For audit purpose, I'd like to trace (at server side) when a given message is consumed by which consumer.

            I wonder if there is any elegant solution to do this at the moment.



            • 3. Intercept packets leaving the server?

              Hi Jean-Michel,


              what I meant is that you have to modify the source code of HornetQ (it is a small modification though).

              1) I added a new consctructor to org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.impl.ChannelImpl which additionally accepts a list of Interceptors (and store them in a field)

              2) I changed org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.impl.RemotingConnection::getChannel to use the new constructor I just created

              3) in ChannelImpl::send I added the "interceptor-checking" code just as it is in RemotingConnectionImpl::doBufferReceived


              re-compile, run, done

              • 4. Intercept packets leaving the server?


                I'd prefer to not play with the source, so i'll wait for the resolution of the HORNETQ-569 issue you created.


                Thanks for your reply.