2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 12, 2011 2:02 PM by turtletsg

    Excludes and scan tags ignored in Maven plugin


      I've been configuring the Maven plugin to report only certain items. The "reports" tag in configuration works great, limiting the reports I see. So do "source" and "destination." However, whenever I use the "scan" or "excludes" tags, it completely ignores what I write. This is so true that I can put "<exclude>*</exclude>" or "<exclude>*.jar</exclude>" and the report will be untouched, still reporting all of the jars.


      This is my code:










                          <!-- This is the location which will be scanned for generating tattletale reports



                          <!-- This is where the reports will be generated -->




      My goal is to have only the multiple jars report, where it scans to see if class files are located in multiple jars on the classpath. Unfortunately, I hav other jars that I want to skip the scanning of because I already know they will be duplicate and I don't care about them.


      I've also tried setting the property in the .properties files, but that seems to be overwritten whenever I recompiled the code. I'm using version 1.1.1.Final.


      Please let me know if this is a bug or where I should set these simple properties so they will actually be paid attention to when the reports are generated. Thanks!

        • 1. Excludes and scan tags ignored in Maven plugin

          Only scanning .jar like files are supported atm. Let me know if you want to work on .class support.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Excludes and scan tags ignored in Maven plugin

            Update: I have a fix to the exclusion issue: apparently "*" is not supported, so to exclude any jar, for example one ending in "example", like "this-example.jar", one would write:








            This is a bit counter-intuitive, but works.


            Jesper- I would not have time to fix this at this point in time, but I do think it would be helpful to note that only JAR scanning is available at this time for future developers not to make the same assumption I did in the user manual or other such page.

