2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 13, 2011 7:03 AM by ascen

    actionListener with componentControl


      I'd like to use in a rich column of a datatable,

      a "commandlink" with an "ActionListener" (that read data in a Bean);

      and a "componentControl"

      than calls a modalpanel.

      It doesn´t work OK

      Could you tell me how can I do it?

        • 1. actionListener with componentControl

          component control defined for oncomplete?

          • 2. actionListener with componentControl

            No, for onclick


                  <h:commandLink actionListener="#{listaHorariosBean.setearHora}"  immediate="true" reRender="paneldetalle"> 

                                      <f:param id="fecha" var="fecha" value="#{fila.fecha}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"     />

                                        <h:graphicImage value="/img/lupa.gif" id="izmena" /> 


                   <rich:componentControl for="paneldetalle" attachTo="izmena" operation="show" event="onclick">




                 <rich:modalPanel id="paneldetalle"  top="350" left="725" height="275" resizable="true" onbeforehide="Cerrar">
