3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 18, 2011 8:24 AM by mahdi24rajabi

    Richfaces  tree and PortletBridge


      Hi dears


      I'm using Rich tree component wich has a dynamic nodes, as soon as i collapss the tree's node, all event listeners are disabled and no one answers the events. i don't know where is the problem. even i changed the tree's mode to server mode, but it doesn't work, my configuration for tree properly works out of GateIn domain, but ....


      Please help me, i'm totally confused...


      the configuration i use is:


      Richfces 3.3.3.FINAL

      GateIn 3.1.0.FINAL

      PortletBrige 2.1.0CR

        • 1. Richfaces  tree and PortletBridge

          a new information that may come in use to help me


          i added following tag to tree as a child:

          <a4j:support event="oncomplete" actionListener="#{treeAdviser.updateDate}"/>


          after selecting or firing an event treeAdviser.updateDate is triggered, but the node selection event listener isn't invoked;


          the following is the tree configuration I have used:






                      <f:facet name="start">

                          <h:graphicImage url="/image/animations/loadingIcon.gif"/>



                  <div dir="ltr">

                      <rich:tree id="organizationTree" switchType="ajax"

                                 ajaxSubmitSelection="true" reRender="newOrganizationPanel"





                                 changeExpandListener="#{treeAdviser.changeNodeState}" >

                          <a4j:support focus="newOrganizationPanel" event="oncomplete" actionListener="#{treeAdviser.updateDate}"/>

                          <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{organizationTree.root}" var="item" nodes="#{item.children}">


                                  <h:outputText value="#{item.label}"/>







          • 2. Richfaces  tree and PortletBridge

            Try using a4j:support with event="onselected" at rich:treeNode




            reference you code against this: http://community.jboss.org/message/35220#35224


            There have been issues in the past with this attribute not firing properly but I'm pretty sure it's just a problem with the configuration.

            • 3. Re: Richfaces  tree and PortletBridge

              Dear Wesley


              Tnx for advice, i did such, but that functions just for root nodes, i'm at home now, i will send my portlet, DD and faces configuration soon, i think thats bug of portletbridge view handler for facelets,


              Tnx dear