5 Replies Latest reply on Jan 24, 2011 11:42 AM by shelly.mcgowan

    Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions


      What are the functional changes between JBOSS 5 and 6, and maybe a table showing the functional differences between the two?

      Are there any performance or resource allocation differences that would impact the choice of one over the other?

      What about statistics like memory footprint for community vs. enterprise?

      Performance between the two?   Or should one conclude that the only REAL difference is support?


      If anyone has any suggestions on these or a reference that you could point me to I'd greatly appreciate it.





        • 1. Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions

          http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossAS6FAQ written by jaikirian pai maybe help.


          The main functional difference is the that JMS was JBossMessaging (5.x) and HornetMQ for 6.x and the new JEE specification.


          AFAIK the HornetMQ will bring a better performance (messages are no longer stored within a RDBMS) especially with a (new) RedHat Linux filesystem.

          • 2. Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions

            Also, this blog from Dimitris has some more high level details http://dandreadis.blogspot.com/2011/01/introducing-brand-new-jboss-as-60.html

            • 3. Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions

              Scott, I'm still working on some documentation that I hope to publish soon.   I'll consider your questions above to include especially a matrix of functional comparison between JBoss  5 and 6.     As a quick reference (possibly incomplete from what you're fully looking for), is Scott Marlow's blog on AS 6 Memory Improvements.  If you have questions, about other features/functionality be sure to let us know either here or add comments to the JIRAs tracking the AS 6 documention here

              • 4. Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions

                Thanks Shelly, I was just reading one of your interviews and came across some other documents/references with the help of the other folks that replied to this string along with some folks from work.  Anyway, I have taken a shot at putting together a quick very basic functional comparision (see attached), I'd be interested if you and the others agree.  Keep in mind this is very high level and limited not to mention I'm just now getting myself familiar with JBoss.  I apologize in advance for pasting in the table as I couldn’t figure out how to get the word document attached.


                JBoss AS 5.1.0

                JBoss EAP 5.0

                JBoss EAP 5.1.0

                JBoss EAP 6.0.0

                Has everything the EAP 5.1.0 version has except the certification and continued support.

                WFK – Framework Certification Program

                Includes everything from EAP 5.0 plus the items listed below

                Includes everything from prior releases plus the items listed below


                Major architecture change – MC 2.0 based

                Common Criteria Certification (EAL 4+)

                Java EE 6  Fully Certified (end of 2011)



                HornetQ 2.1 optional JMS provider

                Bundling of the Apache CFX as the back end for JBossWS


                Fully Java 5 EE Certified

                Apache CXF optional WS stack

                JBoss Messaging replaced with the ultra-fast-next-generation HornetQ 2.1.2


                mod_cluster – smart HTTP load balancer

                Performance (Messaging & Transactions)

                Infinispan project replaces JBossCache


                Embedded Console

                Availability of RPMs via RHN



                Includes full JTS implementation

                Certified on Amazon EC2 (post GA)






                • 5. Look for some help answering some JBoss evaluation questions

                  Scott,  I'll be putting together a functional matrix of the community project version comparisons JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA to JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final.  For EAP overview, you may want to look at the JBoss Enterprise Application Roadmap presented by Rich Sharples at JBoss World 2010.