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1. Jboss GWT Integration plugin install issues
mareshkau Jan 21, 2011 9:42 AM (in response to lholmquist)Hi, I have tried to install JBoss GWT integration into JBDS and obtained the same error. I event installed GWT SDK separately, so it's a bug.
2. Jboss GWT Integration plugin install issues
mareshkau Jan 21, 2011 9:50 AM (in response to lholmquist)I have posted an jira issue
3. Jboss GWT Integration plugin install issues
lholmquist Jan 21, 2011 10:22 AM (in response to mareshkau)excellent. i had just watched the webinar about the different frameworks in jboss and wanted to try gwt out. hopefully a fix will be soon
4. Jboss GWT Integration plugin install issues
dgolovin Jan 21, 2011 11:23 AM (in response to mareshkau)Development site stil contains 3.2.Beta2, so issue affects 3.2.0.Beta2 not 3.2.0.CR1 which havent been released yet.
5. Jboss GWT Integration plugin install issues
dgolovin Jan 21, 2011 11:28 AM (in response to lholmquist)You can install only JBoss GWT Integration from nightly update site Just make sure you have in "Available Software Sites" and it is enabled.