5 Replies Latest reply on Jan 26, 2011 7:00 AM by artiach

    extendedDataTable - Break line


      Has anyone tried extendedDataTable realized a break line?


      My problem is that I´m tried to realized a break line, but extendedDataTable don´t made.

      If I use dataTable, this made automatic, no problem


      the attribute <br/> don´t  does not help, because the sentence is very long, is entered by a user and itself not broken into multiple lines, the left half


      With DataTable when performed without problems, but I need an attribute that has extendedDataTable



        • 1. extendedDataTable - Break line

          Please, I need even one idea that could work.
          Thanks again

          • 2. extendedDataTable - Break line

            Dear Artiach,

            can you provide us with a snapshot of your code?

            • 3. Re: extendedDataTable - Break line
              Sorry I can not complete code, is a project for a company and not allow me to get more code.

              Thanks anyway


                     File xhtml   


              <rich:extendedDataTable id=""  selectionMode="None"

                    height="514px" width="2000px" sortMode="single"

                    value="" var="inf" noDataLabel="No existen datos" >


                        <rich:column  sortable="true" sortBy="Desc" styleClass="columna"

                        id="descripcion" width="500px"

                        label="" rendered="">

                         <f:facet name="header">

                          <h:outputText value=".des" />






                     <h:outputText value="#java.des" />




              with these attributes in the code instead of extendedDataTable, datatable, it works perfectly.
              With extendedDataTable works all but put the description on one line and very long do not read as a whole.



              • 4. extendedDataTable - Break line


                try this walk around,

                instead of <h:outputText value=".des"/>

                use this :

                <h:inputTextarea value=".des" cols="a number" rows="a number" readonly="true"/>


                Best Regards,


                • 5. extendedDataTable - Break line

                  Now I test to see if it works.