1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 26, 2011 8:05 AM by aslak

    EnterpriseArchive can not find BeanManager




      I am running arquillian 1.0.0.Alpha4 on jboss 6.0.0.Final.


      I can succesfully test a cdi bean in a JavaArchive and in a WarArchive but when I try an EnterpriseArchive the BeanManager can for some reason not be found in the JNDI.


      I get the following in the log,


      INFO  [org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher.cdi.CDIInjectionEnricher] (http-localhost%2F127.0.0.1-8080-1) BeanManager cannot be located at java:comp/BeanManager. Either you are using an archive with no beans.xml, or the BeanManager has not been bound to that location in JNDI.


      The archive does have a beans.xml and when I inspec the JNDI via the jmxconsole I can see the BeanManager bound at java:comp/BeanManager


      In the test case if I user @EJB rather than @Inject then it succeeds.


      Am I missing something?


