4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2011 12:12 AM by rraposa

    Sample Portal Extension in EPP 5.1 not overriding anything


      If I copy the gatein-sample-extension.ear into my /deploy folder and start up EPP, I can see in the log file that it is deploying successfully. Also, when I go the initial home page, I see the following in the log:


      14:26:40,829 INFO  [STDOUT] Creating a new session of the 'sample-ext'

      14:26:40,832 INFO  [portal:PortalSessionListener] portal' portal


      So it's creating a new session for sample-ext, which makes me think it deployed correctly. However, none of the customizations in gatein-sample-extension.ear appear on any of the pages. For example, the sample extension has a different home page, and I changed the login.jsp page as well, but only the original /classic portal pages are showing up.


      Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to use a different URL (which would seem to contradict the concept of an extension if the URL changes)?


      Thanks for your help!


        • 1. Sample Portal Extension in EPP 5.1 not overriding anything

          Did you copy the starter.ear from starter/ear/target/ to the deploy directory of jboss ?

          • 2. Sample Portal Extension in EPP 5.1 not overriding anything

            Good point - the starter.ear file was already in my deploy directory so I didn't have to do that.

            • 3. Re: Sample Portal Extension in EPP 5.1 not overriding anything

              Ok, There is a warning in the README.txt file of sample extension project :

              WARNING: This can only work if a Unified ClassLoader has been configured on your JBoss (default behavior) and

              the load order is first the exoplatform.ear then the sample-ext.ear and finally the starter.ear


              I think maybe you should remove and hot redeploy the starter project after deploy the sample-ext (make sure starter is the last one loaded)

              • 4. Sample Portal Extension in EPP 5.1 not overriding anything

                Vu  - thanks for the tip! I'm not sure what I did, but now it is working. One thing I changed was to add "starter" to the list of dependencies - giving it the least priority:


                <field name="dependencies">

                                            <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">













                But I don't know if this was necessary. Anyway, thanks for your help!
