1. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
valgoerad Oct 28, 2010 12:01 PM (in response to fuckingusername)I've been wondering the same thing (is there a plugin already?). I couldn't find one but haven't been looking for it very hard at the same time. I did however been planing to write one as it seems easy enough to do. Unfortunately I can't find any spare time at work to do so (as we're only evaluating jBPM 4.4 at the moment).
But would very much like to get my hands on such plugin. So, anyone willing to contribute?
2. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
mwohlf Oct 28, 2010 5:54 AM (in response to fuckingusername)as far as I remember the .bar archive was nothing but a zip file, so any maven or ant zip tool should do the trick
3. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
fuckingusername Oct 28, 2010 9:34 AM (in response to mwohlf)Michael (W),
Sounds easy, but it's not.
The problem here is to fully integrate with the Maven release process. Of course, I could generate an artifact like a .jar with the correct structure and rename it to .bar locally for internal or develop use, but this is not the solution when you want to share this artifact automatically in a Maven repository.
As far as I been searching the Michal (M) propousal for developing a Maven plugin for doing the trick is the best aproach. Sadly, I have no experience at all developing Maven plugins, could you guide me?
4. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
valgoerad Oct 28, 2010 12:03 PM (in response to fuckingusername)Leidolfr, start with this. See the item 5:
Write some simple plugin just to see if it's working. Then take a look at a jar plugin and make something similar (i.e. use maven-archiver):
However, I would ditch maven 2.1 in favor of newest 3.0. I've been using it for a pretty sophisticated enterprise project (spring, ejb, flex gui, tapestry 4, jpa, webservices, jms) for the last 6 months without any issues.
And when you share the code after that, somebody may contribute a deploy goal (shhh, Maciej Swiderski, maybe )
5. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
jimdwyer Jan 21, 2011 3:05 PM (in response to fuckingusername)Has anybody come up with a Maven plugin to deploy a Bar file? It has been years. Somebody must have done it. Anybody? Anyone?
I ran into the same problem as Leidolfr. I can change the file name but when I go to do an install it blows up. "Bar" is not a normal archive type. I really don't want to rewrite the install plugin to handle a bar as it is time consuming. Anyone?....
Should additions be made to jboss-packaging-maven-plugin?
6. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
jimdwyer Jan 28, 2011 2:56 PM (in response to jimdwyer)I made additions to the jboss-packaging-maven-pluging and am able to generate a bar and install it in my repository. No small task. I will try to submit it soon.
7. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
ramiro Oct 27, 2011 12:21 PM (in response to jimdwyer)So, Jim, did you submit it? I'm also interested to have this same problem solved.
The closest solution to this problem I've seen is on JBPM-2884.
8. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
jimdwyer Oct 27, 2011 12:30 PM (in response to ramiro)I never submitted the code. I did make it work though. Do you want it? It is not perfect but it does work.
9. Re: jBPM 4.4 generate .bar with Maven
ramiro Oct 28, 2011 3:07 PM (in response to jimdwyer)I sure do!
Probably I'll have some time to look through the code and fix issues that are interesting to me. I guess I'll be able to give you back the fixes I make, if you're interested.