1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 6, 2011 3:46 PM by plamarque

    Warnings while starting up GateIn [docBase]


      Hi, all.


      Right after I run "gatein.sh start", I see some warnings and an error in catalina.out.

      In others' logs posted on this community, they also contain these warning but

      nobody seems to care.


      Why are these bugs are left in released version even though they are detectable at a glance?

      Can I just safely ignore them??


      My env:





      my error:

      致命的: No Store configured, persistence disabled


      my warnings(4 of them):

      警告: A docBase GateIn-3.1.0-GA-tomcat/webapps/eXoGadgetServer inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored


      警告: A docBase GateIn-3.1.0-GA-tomcat/webapps/portal inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored


      警告: A docBase GateIn-3.1.0-GA-tomcat/webapps/eXoResources inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored


      警告: A docBase GateIn-3.1.0-GA-tomcat/webapps/rest inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored



      Thank you,
