1 2 Previous Next 27 Replies Latest reply on Nov 8, 2012 5:03 AM by diegogusava

    rich column sort on google chrome not sorting


      I had rich columns with sort in my data table. It works well in IE and FF but on chrome it just disappears the columns once we click on column. In columns I had editable fields, such as inplace input and rich calendar.
      BTW i am using RF 3.3.0.GA
      I am getting error on chrome script console

      Uncaught Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9
      http://localhost/mytestapp/a4j/g/3_3_0.GA/org/ajax4jsf/framework.pack.js (line 2349)

      Any one please help out, why I am not getting column sorted and why I am getting the above error...!!

        • 1. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

          please check http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/columns.jsf It works fine in chrome for me.

          And from the beginning check please 3.3.1 GA. Some issues with columns were fixed for the release.

          • 2. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

            Hi Ilya,
            Thanks, As i demo the column cells are not editable, I am also able to sort the columns on chrome if I disable the editing on column values in my app.
            So is there any thing with the editing the fields in column cells??
            As I am using rich:inplaceInput and h:selectOneMenu for editing the fields in columns.
            and I am not getting why It gives me javascript error on chrome when i sort editable fields

            Uncaught Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9
            http://localhost/mytestapp/a4j/g/3_3_0.GA/org/ajax4jsf/framework.pack.js (line 2349)

            • 3. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

              it should be no problem to sort editable columns, we checked with input elements also. So please try 3.3.1GA just for test and provide page code if not helps.

              • 4. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                Hi Ilya,
                I had given it try by using 3.3.1.GA but the problem remains as it is on chrome it the table data disappears. here is the page code

                <rich:dataTable id="cityTable" rows="10" value="#{cityBean.cityList}" var="citypal">
                 <rich:columns id="t_#{index}" value="#{cityBean.detailedCityList}" var="cityDetails" index="index"
                 sortBy="#{citypal.cityEntry[index].cityEntryValue}" sortOrder="#{cityDetails.orderCityEntry}">
                 <f:facet name="header">
                 <h:outputText value="#{cityDetails.cityLabel}" />
                 <f:subview rendered="#{cityDetails.cityType == 'Metro'}">
                 <rich:inplaceInput layout="block" value="#{citypal.cityEntry[index].cityEntryValue}" selectOnEdit="true" editEvent="ondblclick">
                 <a4j:support event="onviewactivated" actionListener="#{editCityDetailBean.editcityEntry(citypal.cityEntry[index],citypal,cityDetails)}"
                 reRender="cityForm" />
                 <f:subview rendered="#{(cityDetails.cityType == 'Urban'}">
                 <h:selectOneMenu value="#{citypal.cityEntry[index].cityEntryValue}">
                 <f:selectItems value="#{cityDetails.city}" />
                 <a4j:support event="onchange"
                 reRender="cityForm" />
                 <rich:datascroller for="cityTable" maxPages="10" />

                Above code sort work perfect in IE7 and FF but not in chrome.

                • 5. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                  are you reRender form element? try please to wrap the content needed to be updated in outputPanel and reRender the panel.

                  • 6. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                    I wrapped the content in a panel and reRendering the panel but it's still the same.

                    • 7. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                      I tried with rendering panel but still in chrome the table data disappears when we click for column sort, is it because of rich:inplaceInput and h:selectOneMenu? because when I remove these and simply put the output text it sorts properly.
                      Any help??

                      • 8. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                        Iused code like you described:

                         <rich:panel id="cityForm">
                         <rich:dataTable id="cityTable" rows="10" value="#{forumBean.data}" var="citypal">
                         <rich:columns id="t_#{index}" value="#{forumBean.columns}" var="cityDetails" index="index"
                         sortBy="#{citypal[index]}" sortOrder="#{cityDetails.ordering}">
                         <f:facet name="header">
                         <h:outputText value="#{column.name}" />
                         <rich:inplaceInput layout="block" value="#{citypal[index]}" selectOnEdit="true" editEvent="ondblclick">
                         <a4j:support event="onviewactivated" actionListener="#{forumBean.editcityEntry}"
                         reRender="cityForm" />
                         <rich:datascroller for="cityTable" maxPages="10" />

                        When inplaceInput value is changed - column data became sorted, and changed value move to right place(acording to sortOrder).
                        My environment:
                        JSF 1.2_12 with facelets;richfaces 3.3.2-snapshot;jboss 4.2.3 server;Chrome So could you please send your project war?

                        • 9. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                          Thanks for reply mvitenkov,
                          I am trying with RF-3.3.1.GA, JSF 1.2_09 and jboss-4.2.0.GA
                          Let me give it try with JSF 1.2_09, If i will not get the expected result I will send the project war.

                          • 10. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                            Maybe related with:

                            BTW, can we ask consideration about nominating RF-5630 for 3.3.2-CR1 version ?

                            Thank you.

                            • 11. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                              As far as the work around mentioned in https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-5630

                              <rich:dataTable id="table" value="#{forum5Bean.lotOfData}" var="item">
                              <rich:column sortBy="#{item}" reRender="table">

                              I think there is no as such reRender property for rich:column..!!!

                              • 12. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting


                                I think there is no as such reRender property for rich:column..!!!

                                yes.. suggestion there is wrong. reRender presents at dataTable only.

                                • 13. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting

                                  I have the same problem with 3.2.2.SR1 on jboss 4.2 and chrome 2.0

                                  i have do a rich:dataTable using sortBy and it's doesn't work with chrome.

                                  <rich:dataTable value="#{serverList.resultList}" var="server" rows="20" reRender="ds" id="simpletable" sortMode="single">
                                   <rich:column sortBy="#{server.id}">
                                   <f:facet name="header">
                                   <h:outputText value="ID" />
                                   <h:outputText value="#{server.id}" />
                                   <rich:column sortBy="#{server.name}">
                                   <f:facet name="header">
                                   <h:outputText value="Name" />
                                   <h:outputText value="#{server.name}" />

                                  I'ts work fine for IE, FF but nor chrome. but the demo work fine with chrome.

                                  And my wait modal doesn't work with IE8:

                                  <a4j:status onstart="#{rich:component('wait')}.show()" onstop="#{rich:component('wait')}.hide()" />
                                   <rich:modalPanel id="wait" autosized="true" width="200" height="120" moveable="false" resizeable="false">
                                   <f:facet name="header">
                                   <h:outputText value="Processing" />
                                   <h:outputText value="Wait Please..." />

                                  the wait modal panel stay on top, never hide

                                  • 14. Re: rich column sort on google chrome not sorting


                                    Please try the latest 3.3.2-snapshot.

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