1. Re: JBoss autocommit problem
peterj Sep 18, 2008 12:34 PM (in response to sherst)I assume that you have read the documentation for the Oracle JDBC driver on how to turn autocommit off. What does it say?
2. JBoss autocommit problem
vykalra Feb 3, 2011 6:13 AM (in response to peterj)All,
Sorry for reviving this old thread but I am getting exactly same issue
" java.sql.SQLException: You cannot rollback with autocommit set!"
I tried to <no-tx-datasource> instead of <local-tx-datasource> in the -ds.xml file , I am deploying this on jboss 4.3.0.GA. My application uses hibernate and in one of the HibernateSessionWrapperclass I have the following code
if (this.session.connection().getAutoCommit()) {
I tried commenting this too without success. Please help !!! m clueless here...
4. JBoss autocommit problem
vykalra Feb 4, 2011 12:38 AM (in response to iabughosh)I tried this w/o success , i get the same error :
5. JBoss autocommit problem
iabughosh Feb 4, 2011 5:45 AM (in response to vykalra)Dear Vashal,
make sure that you are using local-tx or xa datasource and try adding this property to your hibernate.cfg: