1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 7, 2011 5:12 AM by ilya40umov

    rich:dataScroller "Page" attribute usage in Richfaces v4 M5



            I am using " Richfaces v4 M5 " for UI, using the "rich:dataScroller" component for achieving the page navigation.


      <rich:dataScroller id="scroller1" for="richEDT" page="#{richExtendedDataTableBean.page}" maxPages="7" render="#{nestedComponentId}"/>


      but didn't underStand the "page" attribute used in the example  below is the link and also couldn't find the attribute defined in the class

      " org.richfaces.component.UIDataScroller "




      Can anyone pls explain the "page" attribute usage in DataScroller component ?


      Thanks in advance.