6 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2011 5:19 AM by ndkhoiits

    ETag : Use Cached Contents


      I tried the response.getCacheControl().setUseCachedContent(true). but it does not work.




      Here is my portlet class



      package com.mycompany.frs.portlet;

      public class CacheDemo extends GenericPortlet

      public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException


      System.out.println("**---- " + this.getClass().getName() + "'s doView is started");


      if (request.getETag() != null)


      if (request.getETag().startsWith("MY_ETAG"))


      System.out.println("/////// MARKUP IS VALID");








      response.getCacheControl().setETag("MY_ETAG" + (new Date()));


      PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/CacheDemo.jsp");

      dispatcher.include(request, response);






      portlet.xml =





























      <%@page import="java.util.Date"%>

      <H1> Hello Friends, I am cached contents !! </H1>

      <%= new Date() %>


      Platform : Jboss GateIn 3.1


      Problem :


      When I refresh the page after 30 seconds, the portlet vanishes from the Portal page.

      When I again refresh the page immediately, the portlet appears, with the cached contents. That is, it does not show the current date




      Umesh Pathak

        • 1. ETag : Use Cached Contents

          I confirmed that this's a bug from GateIn, UIPortletLifecycle hadn't cared the case PortletInvocationResponse is instance of RevalidateMarkupResponse.


          Please create an issue at https://jira.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL


          Thank in advance

          • 2. ETag : Use Cached Contents

            I've just created an issue for your problem, u can watch its if you want https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL-1780

            • 3. ETag : Use Cached Contents

              Thanks Khoi !!

              • 4. ETag : Use Cached Contents

                The exception thrown as you made the second render request is due to a bug of GateIn Portlet Container as mentionned by Khoi.


                The second issue ( the portlet window still kept the outdate content) is caused by the ETag validation in your portlet


                if (request.getETag().startsWith("MY_ETAG"))





                response.getCacheControl().setETag("MY_ETAG" + (new Date()));

                • 5. ETag : Use Cached Contents

                  If you clear the browser history, then refresh the page (should put the portlet window on the Home page and access as annonymous user), the content of portlet is updated

                  • 6. Re: ETag : Use Cached Contents

                    In your example, the if (request.getETag().startsWith("MY_ETAG")) clause alway returns true, so the cached value is rendered instead of get the fresh content.


                    The cached portlet is used when you want to have a portlet which display news, information.. for instance. And the ETag is set as a validation token to indicate that the content has been changed.


                    The following code is an example for this case:



                    public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException
                       if (request.getETag() != null)
                          if (markupIsStillValid(request))
                             System.out.println("\n\nMARKUP IS VALID");
                       getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/CacheDemo.jsp").include(request, response);
                    private boolean markupIsStillValid(RenderRequest request)
                       boolean valid = false;
                       if (Math.abs((Long.valueOf(request.getETag()) - System.currentTimeMillis())) < 100000)
                          valid = true;
                       return valid;