1 Reply Latest reply on May 27, 2009 6:21 AM by nbelaevski

    DataScroller used along with data table is not appearing at

      I need to implement a rich:datascroller both at the top and bottom of datatable.
      I have implemented it in the following manner, but if i am able to see at the bottom, i am not able to see at the top, simultaneously datascroller is not getting applied at the top and bottom of data table.

      <a:richDataTableWithCursor id="lineItemList" ........>
      <a:richDatascroller for="lineItemList" rendered="#{sellSideNegForSLPageBean.showDataScroller}"
      maxpages="#{sellSideNegForSLPageBean.maxPagesForDataScroller}" faststep="1"
      ajaxSingle="false" reRender="sc2" id="sc1"/>


      <a:richDatascroller for="lineItemList" rendered="#{sellSideNegForSLPageBean.showDataScroller}"
      maxpages="#{sellSideNegForSLPageBean.maxPagesForDataScroller}" faststep="1"
      ajaxSingle="false" id="sc2" reRender="sc1">

      Could anyone of you please help me out in solving this issue. Thanks in advance