6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 10, 2011 6:43 AM by marczeeee

    Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener




      I'm trying to get a suggestionbox to work with f:setPropertyActionListener with no success. I'm doing it as it should be done, using the actionListener in an a4j:support element listening to the onselect event. But anyhow I set the value property of the actionListener, I always got a null for it at the end. I read about this problem in earlier posts, but as far as I saw this was a bug and got fixed around Richfaces 3.1.x. I'm using 3.3.3.Final now. Could this a bug again or could this be a problem somewhere in my enviroment? I'm developing portlets under Liferay with Richfaces.


      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

          Please, provide a sample of your code.

          • 2. Re: Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

            This is the code used in portlets. We just include it where it's needed.



            <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"








                         <a4j:region id="region">



                                        <td><h:outputText value="*" rendered="#{required}" /></td>

                                        <td><h:outputLabel for="#{componentId}" value="#{label}" title="#{title}" /></td>

                                        <td><h:inputText id="#{componentId}"

                                                  required="#{required and !readonly}" readonly="#{readonly}"

                                                     maxlength="#{maximum}" title="#{title}" >


                                            <rich:suggestionbox for="#{componentId}" var="userActor"

                                                    suggestionAction="#{suggestionBean.autoCompleteActor}" width="350"

                                                    minChars="3" nothingLabel="#{msgCommon['noMatchesFound']}"



                                                      <h:outputText value="#{userActor.value}" />



                                                      <h:outputText value="#{userActor.label}" />


                                                    <a4j:support event="onselect" ajaxSingle="true">

                                                      <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{targetProperty}" value="#{userActor.value}" />



                                         <td width="28">

                                              <a4j:status for="region">

                                                      <f:facet name="start">

                                                        <h:graphicImage value="/images/actions/suggestionStatus.gif"

                                                             style="padding-left: 3px;" />











            The problem is that the #{userActor.value} expression expressed to a null value when the target property's setter is called. But the value is valid and not null as it is displayed by the suggestionbox as a result.

            • 3. Re: Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

              Please try a4j:actionparam instead of f:setPropertyActionListener

              • 4. Re: Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

                I changed the setPropertyActionListener to a4j:actionparam, but no success. The property's setter method didn't even get called. Used it the following way:

                {code:xml}<a4j:actionparam name="userActor" value="#{userActor.value}" assignTo="#{targetProperty}"/>{code}

                Tried to set the surrounding a4j:support tag's ajaxSingle and immediate attributes, but nothing changed.

                • 5. Re: Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

                  Some more info about a4j:actionparam I found out: tried to use it without the assignTo parameter to set a request parameter value and process that with a method in my backing bean. If I use a static value as value parameter of the a4j:actionparam it works properly. But if I put an EL expression as value I only get an empty string as request parameter value.

                  • 6. Re: Rich suggestionbox issue with f:setPropertyActionListener

                    Ok, I found the solution: we had the following context-param in our web.xml:






                    After deleting this, everything works as expected.