1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 10, 2011 7:40 AM by marczeeee

    Rich datatable + datascroller issue




      I have a strange problem with richfaces datatable component used with datascroller. The situation is the table has multiple pages (3+) to show, first if I click on the scroller to show a page it is displayed with proper content. But for the second click on a randomly chosen page the table displays content not for the chosen page but the content of the first page. From the third page click every page is correctly displayed with proper contents.
      I'm developing portlets under Liferay with Richfaces 3.3.3.Final, and have this weird behavior in all my portlets.

      One thing I have discovered yet that the ajax request (logged with a4j:log) is very different when that second page is opened than any other case, but I don't know why.

      Has anyone any suggestion what could be the problem?


      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: Rich datatable + datascroller issue

          The problem is found, caused by a context parameter in the web.xml:





          After deleting this code everything looks like working normally.