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1. Jboss tools with Seam 2.2
snjeza Feb 11, 2011 5:25 PM (in response to sadasivaram)What version of JBoss Tools are you using?
2. Jboss tools with Seam 2.2
sadasivaram Feb 11, 2011 5:38 PM (in response to snjeza)I am using JBoss Tools 3.1
3. Jboss tools with Seam 2.2
maxandersen Feb 11, 2011 5:54 PM (in response to sadasivaram)yeah, for new stuff use JBoss Tools 3.2
4. Jboss tools with Seam 2.2
maxandersen Feb 11, 2011 5:58 PM (in response to maxandersen)btw. seam 2.2 should work fine with jboss tools 3.1 - we just warn you that you are setting up a newer runtime which there might be problems with. Its just a warning...
5. Jboss tools with Seam 2.2
sadasivaram Feb 16, 2011 11:58 AM (in response to sadasivaram)Thanks Max and Snjezana. I am able to get Jboss tools 3.2 working with Seam 2.2.
However with Jboss tools 3.1, when I tried to created a seam project, I remember I was stuck at one the steps where we mention the Seam runtime. It will say that I have a different version of Seam and wouldnt move forward. Not sure if I was missing something.
Thanks anyway and I am just about to start my first seam 2.2 app.