0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2011 10:05 AM by yyq2009

    A localization problem of rf fileupload


      I use myfaces 1.2 and RF3.3.3, I found that the fileupload component can't  localize correctly.


      My page:


         <rich:fileUpload acceptedTypes="*" ajaxSingle="true"







      It shows like this in my Firefox:


      It should show the addControlLabel as  Chinese characters "增加", but it shows "&#22686;&#21152;"; I want to modify the javascript of fileupload, but the just use "new fileuplaod" to create a fileload object, so I can't change the labels of the fileuplaod object without a reference.

      I don't know if I did something wrong or it's a issue?