6 Replies Latest reply on Jun 8, 2009 10:08 AM by jbalunas

    RichFaces Tree process attrobute does not call Validators/Co


      I am using the code attached below for a tree control:

       <r:tree id="policyComponentsTreeBase" switchType="client"
       ajaxSingle="true" ajaxSubmitSelection="true"
       showConnectingLines="true" selectedClass="selectedTreeNode"
       <a4j:actionparam name="sortField" value="" />
       <r:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor id="productGroups"
       roots="#{PolicyControllerBean.productGroupsList}" var="node"
       <r:treeNode><h:outputText styleClass="#{node.displayStyle}" value="#{node.displayText}"/></r:treeNode>

      Now, everything seems to work fine except one issue that i have noticed.
      Whenever I move from node to node, any converters/validators in a panelGrid with the id "policyComponentsSelectionPanel" are not invoked. Also the nodeSelectedEvent which is triggered to be invoked during the Update_model_values phase is being invoked correctly, but the values i populated in panelGrid with id "policyComponentsSelectionPanel" are not being set to the bean.

      Can anybody suggest any reason for this? If i remove the ajaxSingle="true" the reRender doesn't seem to happen.