2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2011 11:06 AM by logan_gha

    How can I configure JBoss Application server to make queue messages persistent?


      Hi all I am new with this topic as a matter of fact, I do not know JBoss , but someone else asks to me to find out, why if I put a message into a JBoss queue using HermesJMS and I restart JBoss' application server, previous messages are not in the queue (they have disappeared from this queue). I want to know if I need to modify some configuration xml file to achieve a solution for this matter? I am using jboss-4.2.3.GA.


      Thanks in advance for your quite valuable assistance.

        • 1. How can I configure JBoss Application server to make queue messages persistent?

          If you using 4.2 you should have the JMS configuration in deploy-hasingleton (Its JBoss-MQ)

          Look into the docs/examples/.../jms directory to see some example files for different persistences.


          Does it help?

          • 2. How can I configure JBoss Application server to make queue messages persistent?

            Thanks for your immediate response, I appreciate that.

            What I have found out is that magic to make a message can be persistent has to do with DeliveryMode property. By default, Message interface (package javax.jms) uses Persistent as value for this property.


                public static final int DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE = 2;


            However what I would want to know was if it were possible through Application server JBoss configuration to make message can be persistent, even though a client application  sends message by setting DeliveryMode property to NON_PERSISTENT (value 1).


            Sorry for my poor knowledge of this approach.