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1. Coding conventions
objectiser Feb 18, 2011 11:03 AM (in response to perneto)Olivier Pernet wrote:
I've noticed you don't use an import statement for java.util, and instead repeat the full names of classes/interfaces like java.util.List.
Do you mind if I change that on the classes I'm editing?
No don't mind.
Olivier Pernet wrote:
Just something I have always done - no reason, just the style I am used to - again I don't mind if you use your own style preferences.
Main thing I don't like is changes from using tabs to spaces for indentation - this can make code comparison very difficult.
2. Coding conventions
perneto Feb 18, 2011 11:08 AM (in response to objectiser)Main thing I don't like is changes from using tabs to spaces for indentation - this can make code comparison very difficult.
Ah, good thing you mentioned it, my editor was set to use spaces. Just changed it.